The power of Action
Words can actually convince or lure one to perform an act the power of words cannot be overemphasized.
In as much as we are moved by this words of encouragement, we need to put in some actions
It becomes sickening when we hear and do nothing
One thing you need know is the simple fact that words without action is fruitless.
It's not enough to say things, that would be done, desire to be one thing or the other or even think of it.
There is a power that comes with action, a fulfilment, an actualisation, that feeling of I have arrived.
Kept doing and say less even if it's small.
Little by little you will get it there Sometimes it's not easy, everything in you says no to that gaol.
But for the sake of loosing at the end of it all, YOU TAKE ACTION
The aftermath is fulfilment and happiness ๐